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Senate Approves Ramos Bill To Create First Statewide Office of Suicide Prevention Amidst COVID-19 Crisis

Sacramento, CA — A bill to establish the first statewide Office of Suicide Prevention was passed unanimously today by the state Senate on a 36 to 0 vote.

Assemblymember James C. Ramos (D-Highland) said his measure, AB 2112, would help California meet the state’s suicide crisis now exacerbated by the novel coronavirus pandemic, which adds greater urgency to the need for the bill. “I appreciate the strong bipartisan support this measure received. It was a moving testament to the need to reduce suicide rates in California,” Ramos said.

He added, “Recently the Centers for Disease Control reported responses to a June survey of 5,142 adults across the country. More than 40 percent reported that the disease created mental stress in their lives, and 11 percent said they had seriously considered suicide in the last 30 days. Those responses are deeply troubling and also begin to quantify what many mental health professionals suspected: the pandemic is increasing an existing crisis.”

AB 2112 would:

Provide strategic guidance to statewide and regional partners regarding best prevention practices;

Require the new office to focus resources on the highest risk groups such as youth, Native American youth, older adults, veterans and LGBTQ persons;

Conduct state evaluations of regional and state suicide prevention policies;

Review data to identify opportunities to reduce suicide, including documenting aborted suicide attempts and crisis service interventions;

Marshall the insights and energy of medical professionals, scientists, public health experts and others to address the crisis;

Report to the Legislature on progress in reducing suicide rates.

Youth are particularly vulnerable. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people ages 15 to 24, according to a 2017 study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Also, CDC released 1991-2017 High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data that reported one in six high school students stated they seriously considered ending their lives and more than one in 12 reported attempted suicides.

“In 2014, 3,575 children were hospitalized for non-fatal self-inflicted injuries among those aged five to 20 in California,” Ramos said. “That is heart breaking. These children are dear to their families, classmates and friends.”

Dr. Virgil Moorhead, executive director of the Two Feathers Native American Family Services, said youth engagement in this issue is critical. His organization is actively working with tribal and other youth in Humboldt County who are aged 10 to 18 years old through a Garrett Lee Smith Grant. “This is an epidemic we must stem now,” Moore said. “We can only do it through engaging youth in the battle against suicide. Tribal young people are particularly vulnerable, but they possess the strength and resiliency to overcome this crisis if they are engaged and not overlooked.” He added, “We must monitor and be able to respond nimbly and quickly to dangerous trends and spikes. A statewide office of suicide prevention with adequate coordination and resources can help us save young lives.”

Eva Terrazas, vice president public policy and special initiatives at Uplift Family Services, said, “While suicide prevention efforts are already occurring across the state, we need coordination, clear messages about practices and vigilant monitoring of suicide data, especially for those with the highest risk of suicide: youth, and particularly Native American youth, older adults and LGTBQ people.”

AB 2112 sponsors are the California Alliance of Child and Family Services and the California Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission. A partial list of supporters includes the American Academy of Pediatrics—California; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; American Foundation for Suicide Prevention; California Children’s Hospital Association; California Children’s Hospital; the Steinberg Institute; American Foundation for Suicide Prevention; Bay Area Children’s Association; California State PTA; California Teachers Association; California Professional Firefighters; Disability Rights California; California Children’s Association; California Hospital Association/California Association of Hospitals and Health Systems; Children Now; Riverside Sheriffs’ Association; County Behavioral Health Directors Association; the Racial and Ethnic Mental Health Disparities Coalition; and the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Assemblymember James Ramos proudly represents the 40th Assembly district which includes Highland, Loma Linda, Mentone, Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands, and San Bernardino.

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