By: Manny Otiko, IVN
Nationwide — Former President Donald Trump doesn’t believe his term is over, according to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman. In a recent tweet, Haberman said Trump is going around telling his friends and associates that he’ll be back in the White House soon. However, Joe Biden is still president, and there is no premise that allows Trump to take back the White House.
Trump loyalists Sidney Powell recently stated that Trump is on schedule to be back in the White House by August. According to Mediaite, Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, has also been saying this. And several members of the QAnon cult, who view Trump as a hero, have asked for the military to put him back in power. But most political watchers state that this is highly unlikely.
“The idea that Trump would be reinstated into the White House is so absurd that it abuts ‘impossible’ to happen. But the reason to amplify this story is to illustrate just how far gone many QAnon followers and their leaders — including Trump — appear to be in their delusion. And the surprisingly large number of supporters who keep buying it,” said Mediaite.
However, Lt.-Gen. Michael Flynn has also suggested that the military overthrow Biden and reinstall Trump into the White House. Of course, that is illegal and would be the first time in history where a democratically- elected U.S. president was unseated by violent means.
Although this is shocking, it shouldn’t be surprising. Trump and his followers have been spreading this so-called “Big Lie” for the last six months. They have been repeating this lie on right-wing media and claiming that Democrats stole the election. However, Trump lost about 60 election fraud lawsuits. Also, former Attorney General Bill Barr said it was a fair election.
The Jan. 6 attack, which shocked the nation, was motivated by deranged Trump cultists who falsely believe the election was stolen. The attack killed five people. Now about 500 Trump supporters are currently under investigation by the FBI.
The goal was to create a violent incident, have Trump declare martial law and seize power.
But the greater danger to the country is a large group of people who believe these dangerous fantasies. And they are willing to use violence to overthrow the government and achieve their political means.
Some political watchers say there are two things going on here. Firstly, Trump is having a hard time not being president. And the other issue is Trump is desperately trying to avoid going to jail. New York County Attorney Cyrus Vance and New York State Attorney Letitia James have launched criminal investigations against him. He could also face charges in Georgia for interfering with the election. Several Trump loyalists say they expect an indictment before the end of the summer.
Trump has spent several decades dodging lawsuits and criminal investigations. He’s never gone to jail before, but it looks like an indictment could finally put him behind bars. Now Trump is facing a lengthy court battle. And this makes him a desperate and dangerous man.
According to former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, Trump is lying to his followers in order to squeeze more money out of them. Also, it’s a way of painting himself as the aggrieved party. Kirschner said Trump would portray his prosecution as a “witch hunt,” a phrase he has frequently used.
He also already called the case against him “a continuation of the greatest political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States.”
However, Kirschner said Trump, a long-time lawbreaker, needs to be handled by bigger authorities than just state and district attorneys.
“Trump is a federal problem,” he said.