43,469 Confirmed Cases (up 1.2% from the previous day)
625 Deaths (up 0.6% from the previous day)
330,058 Tested (up 0.9% from the previous day)
For more statistics from the COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard, click the desktop or mobile tab on the County’s sbcovid19.com website.
For all COVID-19 related information, including case statistics, FAQs, guidelines and resources, visit the County’s COVID-19 webpage at http://sbcovid19.com/. Residents of San Bernardino County may also call the COVID-19 helpline at (909) 387-3911 for general information and resources about the virus. The phone line is NOT for medical calls and is available Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you have questions about social services, please call 211.