By: Jack Brown & Ethan Blevins | IVN
California’s schools increasingly are embracing the notion that students should be judged based
on the color of their skin, rather than the content of their character. And these schools are not alone.
Equality before the law, a fundamental American value, is under siege today in schools across the
country. From the singling out of a biracial high school student in Nevada as an “oppressor” to teaching
white students that they are inherently evil in Manhattan, K-12 education is becoming fertile ground
for an assault on the ideal of equality.
Whether it be under the banner of “critical race theory,” “equity,” or “intersectionality,” many activists
and intellectuals have embraced the idea that one’s character is rooted in immutable and irrelevant
characteristics such as race and sex, rather than one’s words and deeds. These activists have pushed
for K-12 curricula that force students to participate in exercises in which they are separated based on their race and forced to describe the “privilege” or “marginalized status” they experience because of their race. This seeks to indoctrinate students in an ideology that emphasizes racial stereotyping
and undermines equality before the law while silencing critics.
Inland Valley News coverage of local news in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties is supported by the Ethnic Media Sustainability Initiative, a program created by California Black Media and Ethnic Media Services to support minority-owned-and-operated community newspapers across California.