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California Schools JPA names Javier Gonzales as Chief Executive Officer

Gonzales brings 15 years of experience as organization’s chief financial officer to the position

San Bernardino, CA — California Schools JPA, a non-profit organization serving over 60 school districts in the Southern California region, has named Javier Gonzales as the new chief executive officer of its two distinct joint power authorities—California Schools Risk Management (CSRM) and California Schools Employee Benefits Association (CSEBA)—and its non-profit corporation. Gonzales officially began the position on Sept. 7.

For the last 15 years, Gonzales served as California School JPA’s chief financial officer. During this time, he helped maintain stable and fiscally solvent JPAs, and developed strategic growth initiatives, as well as member-focused employee benefits and risk management solutions for public school and community college districts.

“We are confident that our JPA staff led by Javier will continue to ensure that the membership’s needs are met. He played a significant role on the management team that led California Schools JPA to our high levels of service and success, including during the last months filled with uncertainty,” said the CSEBA and CSRM Board of Directors presidents.

Gonzales holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from California State University San Bernardino and received his Associate of Risk Management (ARM) certification in 2020. In addition to his work with California Schools JPA, he has held positions with the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools. Gonzales also takes part in professional associations, including AGRIP and PRISM (formerly CSAC-EIA).

About California Schools JPA

California Schools JPA is a non-profit organization serving over 60 school districts throughout Southern California. Located in San Bernardino, California Schools JPA is comprised of both California Schools Employee Benefits Association (CSEBA) and California Schools Risk Management (CSRM). California Schools JPA ensures coverage for public schools and community colleges in the areas of property, liability, workers’ compensation, medical, dental, vision, life and employee assistance programs.

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