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What is it About the Holidays?

Upland, CA — The word holiday originates from an old English word meaning holy day.  Over the years a lot of holiness has gone out of holidays, and they have become more secular.  As different holidays continued to be established over the years, many of them were not particularly religious or holy, yet were considered public or national special days. The point being it became custom to bring recognition to these special days by pausing and observing them in our own way. Putting all holidays into the same bucket has caused a commonness among most holidays.  I think it is important that we do not lose the meaning of our religious holidays and keep them holy as we celebrate the holidays.

The holidays are a time that bring up a lot of different emotions for people, some good and some not so good. When I think about why I really enjoy the holidays I reflect on happy days at my grandmother’s house where the family would all come together and for a moment in time we could laugh, sing, eat good food, and enjoy each other’s company.  My grandmother had nine children and a host of grandchildren that would gather from near and far to show our gratitude for the goodness God had bestowed on us over the year.  If anyone in the family was struggling or suffering, we would do our best to help them get to the other side in a better way.  What is it about the holidays that causes us to put our guards down and be kind towards one another, yet throughout the remainder of the year we often put up walls that block some of the same attitude of grace and kindness?

There could be a lot of reasons why our spirits change during the holidays.  For one, many people become very nostalgic, like I mentioned above. We focus more on the positive than the negative. I think some of us even have selective memory of how things used to be. When we hear certain types of music or watch certain movies it makes us feel more festive. Traditions tend to knit us together and keep us connected in a way like none other.  We feel more generous and even sympathetic during this season. Just like when there is a bad tragedy that hits a community, it is the common action of humanity that we focus on, and we come together to help one another.  It would be a good thing if we could carry this spirit throughout the entire year. Love and kindness can be contagious if we are willing to be vulnerable and let it catch us. I believe it is a mindset that we must be willing to accept and take on as a way of life. Are you willing?

As our family continues to grow and our children get married and have children of their own, I hope to establish positive memories and traditions for them to remember and hopefully practice when they are away from me. However, more than just enjoying the beautiful, good tidings of the holiday season, I hope they will grow into good people who remember what they believe and stand for and care for others even when they do not look like them, act like them, practice the same religion, or even live in their community. If we want hope for future generations, we are going to have to put down hatred, a mean spirit, and being judgmental.  This holiday season, hold onto what is true in your heart and spread a little good cheer to those around you. I am sure after our house gives thanks for the birth of Christ, and possibly a new grandchild, and eat a nice meal, we will put on one of our favorite holiday movies to laugh, snuggle, and build new memories.

Healing Without Hate: It’s a choice. It’s a lifestyle. Pass it on.

Visit www.WendyGladney.com and www.forgivingforliving.org to learn more. Wendy is a life strategist, coach, consultant, author, and speaker.

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