San Bernardino County – Because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic the world that we once knew dramatically changed in 2020 and a new normal was created. This new normal has made us think twice before we touch anything, and we are now more than ever leery of being near other people, especially if they are not wearing a mask or gloves. We do not want to be in any confined spaces with strangers where we have to breathe the same air. No longer do we feel comfortable going to places where there will be people we do not know. The pandemic has caused a loss of innocence that has been replaced by a skepticism and fear that affects almost every aspect of our well-being. This new reality is making us reprogram our relationships with the world, the workplace, and with each other. Like most people I am thankful that 2020 is over.
With a new year having arrived, many of us will be tempted to make “New Year’s resolutions.” A resolution is a promise we make to ourselves to do something, usually intended to improve behavior or alter our lifestyle in some way. Among Americans who are making New Year’s resolutions, the most common ones are exercising more, saving money, eating healthier and losing weight. The problem with New Year resolutions is more than 80% of them have been abandoned by the second week in February. One of the reasons why these resolutions have such a short shelf life is because they are not based in reality. They are based on hope, a wish, a dream, or a desire to impress others. To many of us are confident about weaknesses and uncertain when it comes to our strengths?
My solution for the New Year resolution is not to focus on what you do not have such as a flat stomach, a big bank account or a vegetarian lifestyle but rather focus on making a promise to yourself to find what you do have and use it to benefit yourself and others. Your New Year’s resolution is to find your gift. The word gift might intimidate someone, so let us look at gift as what are your strengths. I believe most people have never asked themselves “What is my gift?” Figuring out your gift is key to not only having a great 2021 but also finding permanent satisfaction in life. My experience has taught me that everyone is born with a unique set of “gifts” or strengths. Let this be the year that you not only search to discover your gifts but develop your gifts. Understanding your gifts will allow you to feel more confidence, purpose, and passion in your life.
Many people might not know how to find what their gifts are, here are 5 helpful hints.
-What do you like to do every day? Remember this; most people gravitate toward things they are naturally good at doing.
-What are you good at and have success at? Remember this; you grow the most, learn the most, develop the most in the areas where you already are good at.
-What do people who know you best believe you are good at? Remember this; just because you are good at something does not make it your gift. For it to be a gift or a strength you also must have a passion for it.
-What makes you feel strong? Remember this; even if you are good at it, if it drains you, that is a weakness.
-What do people ask you to help them with? Remember this; we do not always see ourselves the way others see us.
Your efforts this year are going to generate the best results when you focus on your gifts. So let 2021 be the year you focus on what you are good at and how it benefits yourself and others.
Ron Williams is the author of “Rhythmic Leadership”. He is a former corporate executive and successful entrepreneur. Currently he is VP of Personal Services Plus and is considered the “Leadership Whisperer.” He can be contacted at