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Confidently Speaking

I am going to be blunt and bold and just ask, how is your confidence factor doing these days?  It is okay if it is not where you would like it to be right now.  We are all in the same storm.  We may be in different boats, but we are all navigating the same storm.  We are in uncertain times and no matter how much life we may have lived or how much experience we think we have under our belt, none of us knew this crisis called COVID-19 was coming and how hard we would be hit.  Even if you still have your job or if you have a few pennies in the bank, the future may look a bit rocky.  With the right tools and information, we can get back up and stand straight with the confidence we need and desire.

We are now in the third month of having to deal with the Coronavirus fallout. I realize that things will never go back to the way they were, but that does not mean we cannot confidently walk into whatever the new normal looks like with self-assurance. Confidence is about trust.  It is about walking boldly in our abilities and qualities. I have put together the following acronym that can help us reach our goal together.

C = Courage.  Like the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz we all could use a little courage.  Truth be told we already have it in us. It is up to us to find it. Courage helps us do what we do not think is possible.

O = Optimistic. No matter what you may be going through right now it is important to keep your attitude positive and optimistic. Look at the glass, as half full not half empty. I believe the best is yet to come.  

N = Now.  Now more than ever is the time to believe in yourself, your gifts, your talents, and your abilities.

F = Forgive yourself and others.  Sometimes holding onto unforgiveness can hold us back from walking in our true confidence in life. It is time to let some things go.

I = Intentional.  Success does not happen by accident and we will not walk in confidence unless we are intentional about what we do and how we see ourselves.

D = Dream Big.  It is good to dream about your goals, where you want to go and how you want to see yourself.  Dreaming is the first step to achieving your goals.

E = Energy.  If you are going to feel good about yourself it is important for you to take care of your whole self: mind, body, and soul.  This will provide you with the energy you need to do what must be done and get you where you want to go.

N = Negative.  No more negative thoughts and self-talk.  Also, do not talk negatively about others.  We do not have to put others down to build our own selves up.

C = Commit.  Commit to yourself and to your goals.  Completing projects will help build up your confidence.

E = Enjoy.  Now that you have put into place all these steps, it is time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Positive self-esteem and true confidence are your reward.

Lucille Ball once said, “Love yourself first and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”  I could not agree with her more.  When we stop comparing ourselves with others (especially what we see in any form of the media) and realize we were all created on purpose and for a purpose, I believe we will be gushing with confidence that has the power to change the world.

Healing Without Hate:  It’s a choice. It’s a lifestyle. Pass it on!

Visit www.WendyGladney.com and www.forgivingforliving.org to learn more. Wendy is an international coach, consultant, trainer, author and speaker. She can also be found live on Instagram @Wendygladney on Wednesdays at 12 noon PST.

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